Asset Based Mortgages

Asset Only | Asset Depletion | Asset Utilization

Helping You Achieve Your Dream
Is Our Dream Come True!

Proudly serving
CA | FL | GA | NC | SC

Do Any of These Describe You?

  • Your Income is Generated from Savings
  • You have Large Sums of Money Saved
  • You have Enough Savings to Purchase Outright / Pay Off Mortgage

Program Highlights

  • Mortgage qualify using assets ONLY
  • Asset Based Mortgages are for people who don’t need financing but prefer a mortgage. Eligible Assets: Checking, Savings, Investments, Retirement
  • Loan Types:
    • Home Purchase Mortgage
    • Rate/Term Refinance Mortgage (lower payment, get out of hard money, etc.)
    • Cash Out Refinance Mortgage (debt consolidation, business loans, etc.)

People who purchase or refinance homes without employment typically face programs that limit qualifying income to retirement distributions and tax return figures, even if savings are $1M+.

The result? Those who have great savings—enough to purchase using all cash—have very limited mortgage options. Or worse, get denied altogether. So instead, most people forgo a mortgage and use their savings to buy. But that normally means selling investments which are earning a return plus lose liquidity—not always the best option. 

Case and point: purchasing a $500k home via all cash vs 20% down and borrowing $400k could mean losing investment return, generating tax liabilities, and liquidity loss on $400k. Even at a 3% rate of return, that’s $12k/year and no more immediate access to $400k. Not to mention the potential tax burden from selling investments.

All cash purchases aren’t the only options! Lenders exist who allow total savings to qualify and they don’t use historical distributions or tax returns. These programs are known as Asset Based Mortgages. And if you’ve already purchased, you’re still in luck! You can refinance and get your money back with these loans too.

Generally, lenders require savings to cover the purchase price + closing costs + reserves. In other words, they ensure you have enough money to pay off the home + savings left over. You don’t pledge savings or adjust retirement distributions. We just prove you have the money. Makes sense right?

Commonly Used Asset Utilization Mortgages Terms

  • Asset Based loan
  • Asset Based mortgage
  • Asset Based home loan
  • Asset Based refinance
  • Asset Depletion loan
  • Asset Depletion mortgage
  • Asset Depletion home loan
  • Asset Depletion refinance
  • Asset Utilization loan
  • Asset Utilization mortgage
  • Asset Utilization home loan
  • Asset Utilization refinance

We Have Mortgage Options Others Don't

Proudly serving
CA | FL | GA | NC | SC

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