What is Non-QM lending? Is it sub-prime? Is it still the wild west? Contrary to many beliefs, Non-QM loans are not the same as before the great recession. Learn More
What is bank statement lending? Simply put, it’s qualifying the true income for self-employed borrowers. No tax returns. No Schedule Cs, SEs, or IRS communication at all; qualifying is based on business cash flow. Learn More
What is Asset Based Lending? Imagine a world where you have saved enough money and no longer need to rely on employment to live. Learn More
What is No Income Lending? Surely these don’t exist anymore! Yes and no. When buying a primary residence or 2nd home, the Ability-To-Repay (ATR) rule must be satisfied, and income typically must be qualified (read more about ATR here; read more about Asset Based lending here). Learn More
A good mortgage professional is much more than a rate quoter. When shopping for a hat, it makes total sense to find a retailer quoting the lowest price for the same exact hat. Learn More
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